April 19, 2009

Chapter 3 (a): Balls and sweat.

Hey there! Ok, sorry for the overdue continuation of my NS experience. Given present circumstances, I just finished my second round of 5 rounds of test this week. At least there's no test next week!

Ok, continuation:
*Note: This time, I'll only be touching on student sports, not the NS activities. Also, there won't really be any pictures cause I dont have any pictures of people in motion with the sports, I'm sure there are plenty out there on facebook. I'll update with those pics if I am able to get it from them.


In terms of sports and activities, there are always things to do there. It's just whether it's boring or not lol.

The first physical activity I remember doing there was the bleep test. The bleep test was done to see the fitness level of the trainees. Basically, We first stand on a line. When the bleep sounds we then run 20m and touch the other line there. Wait there till the next bleep comes. Repeat. The intervals between the beeps decreases with passing time, so while u get tired, you have to push yourself to make it into the next bleep in time. I got 11.0 :D

Well, what can I divide the activities into? 2 actually. Sports and NS sponsored activities. But for not I'll just talking about the student sports.

Student Sports

Sepak takrul

Student sports: Sports that have nothing to do with NS. lol. Just for the fun of it between us. Usually takes place between 5.30-6.30 everyday. Choose what you want to join and play. First things first, the level of football at my camp is mediocre at best. Also, only like...10 chinese plays football. Like wtf 10 only!? Before this, I knew that more chinese play basketball, not football. But I didn't know the margin was this big. I guess again, it has all to do with your environment back home.

Then again, I'm somewhat not chinese.

Anyway, personally the most often sport I played there was either basketball. After that was...volleyball! Yeah volleyball is awesome. Learned volleyball over there actually.

Don't look like it, but thats the volleyball court.

Well, basketball was a blast really. There was this one time where Ben, Yap, Jeric and me teamed up and kinda beat everyone else for 8 matches of 4 on 4's. Of course, there are the basketball people who could easily close one eye and do a three pointer. That team from Johor...er...what school...forgot already... omg they damn pro wei. 3 people. The shooter, the runner, the layup king. Perfect combo.

The humble basketball ring, where the trashtalking happens.

Sepak takrul, when they first bought the ball out I was remembering the primary school days where we should just stand in a circle and tried in vain to juggle the ball with each other with more then 15 touches. When they said that there was going to be a competition against the companies, I knew that I must sign up.

Sepak takrul is just volleyball without the hands.

So anyway, during competition day, each company send in 3 groups, where 2 of them are malays and one must be non-malay to play in a team game. The two teams that win will ensure the companies to go through for the finals. (of course, there's only 4 companies xD)

I think it was Alpha against Bravo for us? In the first game, the Bravo team won.

Second game, it was our turn, the non-malays. Haha, we sucked, but they sucked more. We won! Trashed them like 21-17, 21-8 LOL.

But our company lost the third game, so we didnt go though. Btw, where's the certificate of participation! Bunch of liars.

Joggging, forgive me to call it a sport. It's the most common thing around there. The road I believe is something like 700-800m there and it's a circle. So just jog and jog and jog and jog. Nothing else to do what if no ones playing football, everyones playing either volleyball or basketball and you want to exercise. Haha, another thing here is: We exercise for fun!

The exercise dorm is Delta dorm. On most days between 5.30-6.30 (Or any other free time...) There would be between 2-4 people sweating it out there, with Neal's speakers blasting music to the tune of Katie Perry or Chris Brown. Are you guys still working out? Don't let that muscle go to waste xD

I almost forgot! For football and netball, you could represent your NS camp in intercamp matches. I signed up for football and tried to play as a keeper. There were 3 levels of training till you got selected. The first narrowed down the people from around 45 to around 27? The second narrowed it down even further to 22, while the final one brought the real team up of 18 people. I got through till the second round. Why? APPARENTLY IT IS BECAUSE I WEAR GLASSES, SO I CAN'T PLAY ANYMORE. MY SAFETY IS THEIR NUMBER ONE CONCERN. God damnit.

Oh yeah, our girls netball team congrats again for getting second place in Negeri Sembilan! :D

Ok, well that's all for now. Ciao!

April 8, 2009

Sry I have not been continuing about my NS experience, seriously no time.

Anyway, here's an outline on what else im gonna talk about.

1. Sports/Activities.
2. Classes.
3. Weekends.
4. Hooking up.
5. What i've learned over there.
6. Random facts and final words.

April 1, 2009

The square root of negative 1.

I'm starting to wonder why I took the accelerated intake.

It's really a pain in the neck especially adv. maths where we learn stuff at least 3 times faster then normal. I'm drowning in homework.

Going to be getting 5 internal exams in the coming 9 weeks before the main external exam in June. That's about an exam every 2 weeks. Also, each internal exam is going to be 20%, total will be 100% and combined with the external exam according to a certain ratio depending on your score. LIke if I score more for my external exam then internal, the ratio would be 70:30, if not it would be 60:40 which is fair I guess.

Im only really worried about Adv. maths, cause there's a lot to cover in such little time. Time is like this:

Test 1 - 7.4.09
Test 2 - 14.4.09

What this means is that we have to cover the entire chapter of Vectors within 1 week?

We're in the shit.