March 30, 2009

Tagged by Hooi Jett

1.Crazy stuff u did before.
- Going to NS.
- Going all in with RM150 in Texas Hold Em' and winning!
- Running shirtless during the fire drill.

2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
Hanging out with good close friends and just chilling around with life.

3. If you are given a chance to reverse your life,will you back to the past ?
Not really.

4. What would u do if u were to die tomorrow?
I'll start doing crazy stuff lol.

5. Is there someone in your heart right now?
Yes :)

6. Do you feel loved in this world?

7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
I have nothing to lose LOL.

8. What do you feel like doing right now?
Doing my English project but I can't right now!

9. If there’s someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?

10. List 5 things that u like in a guy/girl.
-Great hair
-Not that short xD
-Crazy funny sometimes
-Someone who I can talk to anytime, any day without feeling confused or distracted about.

11. What are the requirements that you not wish from your other half?
- Don't smoke.
- Don't dress like a 'lala' xD

12. What do you think is your purpose in life?
Do be destined with the someone out there.

13. Do you feel like killing someone at the moment?

14. If you had to eat 1 thing for the rest of ur life, what would it be?
Chicken rice!

15. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?

16. If u can only choose one between ur lover and family, which will u?
Let me just get my coin here...

17. What's the most prized possession that u wish u can bring to Heaven?
I would not like to bring anything to heaven LOL

18. Name one love song that you have in mind and why?
Digital Love - Daft Punk
The lyrics of this song say it all.

19. What is the one thing you love about yourself?
My sarcasm

20. Do you believe that you are experiencing the law of attraction everyday?

March 27, 2009

I hope I didn't break her heart that badly.

March 23, 2009

Sri KDU Paramount Compatition 2008: Black Monday

This will be the lamest movie you'll ever see.

You see, last year our school organised a short film competition and it was opened to everyone. So our team of Stanley, Faiz, Khairin and me decided to come up with one of course and guess what we won! I have no idea how we won this just shows that the other movies were just... crappier.

For better videos, please visit this it's much better.

March 22, 2009

Chapter 3: It's all about location, location, location.

Hey there! Ok, prologue to chapter 3. So if you're wondering what is there at Kem Seri Perkasa, Mantin, here are a few places of visit.

First and foremost, I guess the most important place to be is the dorm. Dorm. Your dorm, your sanctuary where the most important thing happens. Sleep.

The four dorms, from left to right: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta. Note that I can't show the girls section as being 25m from their dorm is basically comes with a death sentence.

This is the teachers dorm. There are 2 teachers in each long dorm.

Most of the dorm pics are at the second entry, so yeah you guys can check it from there I guess.

Importance: 5
Cleanliness: 3
Popularity: 5
Frequency of visit: 5
Location from my dorm: -
Meeting girls?: No
Activity frequency: 4


But also, this is the place of roll call, ceramahs, debates, activity place in general. I guess that if you're trying to find a person other then during outdoor activities and during riadah times, you'll have a good chance of meeting him/her here.

Importance: 5
Cleanliness: 2
Popularity: 3
Frequency of visit: 5
Location from my dorm: 25m
Meeting girls?: Yes
Activity frequency: 5

THE CAFE/1U of an ESSENTIAL place for the residence here in camp. Happening place after the dorm, at least you get to talk to girls here without being disturbed by random teachers scared that you're going to take this oppocunity to rape or some shit like that. At the place, there is a Ramli burger store and also a drink store. This is also the place to buy your provisions from the store next to the cafe.

The cafe on a quiet day.

On sunday however, things change. Because the gov. says that parents can come to visit on sundays, alot of people, some even from Johor, drive down here to have a chat with their sons/daughters. Since their not allowed to visit us at the dorm however, this is the only place to be. Love sundays because everyone is at the cafe, easy to talk too :)

Importance: 5
Cleanliness: 2
Popularity: 5
Frequency of visit: 4
Location from my dorm: 120m
Meeting girls?: Yes
Activity frequency: Weekdays - 3, (Depending on time of day) Weekends - 5

Classes. The place where the gov tries it's best to brainwash us poor souls into believing that they are the best people in the world and that we should be thankful about what they do.

However, the only class which I thought was fine was the first module. I mean, what they were trying to teach was ok, the problem was the way they thought it. Also, this is a nice place to meet people from the camp. Because of the classes I got to know more Charlie people then my own company! You see, there are 6 classes and 8 dorms. So they decided to split Alpha people up while dividing the rest into their dorms, for example Bravo dorm 1 would go into PK (That's the class name) PK1, Bravo dorm 2 into PK2, Charlie dorm 1 into PK3 and so on until Delta. This includes guys and girls. Oh yeah, they kinda discourage mixing around between the genders the gay thing is when they asked us to sit in a "teather setting" So the girls sit on the left and the guys on the right. We only get to mix during group discussions.

Here are the types of classes conducted in order.

1. Bringing Out the Best in Yourself.
2. Bringing Out the Best in Others
3. Integration
4. Patriotism

Other then the first one, the rest were shit. Especially the integration class.

Well, this are how the classrooms look like from the outside.

Sorry I don't have any pics of class conducting, I don't think anyone has because unless maybe on the last day of class :)

Importance: 3
Cleanliness: 4
Popularity: 2
Frequency of visit: 3
Location from my dorm: 40m
Meeting girls?: Yes
Activity frequency: 3

What is the common thing between these sentences?

2. I'm itchy...
3. Headache lah...
4. Class damn boring wei...

Hahaha, needs to explanation.

Importance: 4
Cleanliness: 5
Popularity: 5
Frequency of visit: 1
Location from my dorm: 75m
Meeting girls?: No
Activity frequency: Ranges from 1-5 depending on type of activity planned out.

The padang kawad. A place of torture. Most important word there is "Kiri, kanan kiri" Also a place where we can stand for minutes on end for no apparent reason.

Mainly, if the event is VERY important (e.g: VIP coming, price giving ceremony, marching) we go there.

Morning exercise happens here too.

Oh yeah, there was a fire drill once at 11pm. I almost made it out there shirtless, but the stupid teacher asked me to run back and get wear a shirt... If a real fire then how!?

Importance: 3
Cleanliness: 3
Popularity: 1
Frequency of visit: 3
Location from my dorm: 30m
Meeting girls?: No
Activity frequency: 2

Church. Well, I don't really want to give that much away was planning a whole post on this. This is one of the few opportunities we get to get out of the camp :D That's right every sunday morning we get out of camp xD

Every thursday and friday, there is CF in the camp itself at 8.30pm I did look forward to it everytime :)

The CF class on the second day. The average number of people who attend is around 20 on Thursday and 30 on Friday as Friday is more of a fun day. Will explain of course when I put up the proper post.

The inside of the church. It's not a big church I think including us there can't be more then 100 poeple there.

After church. WE EAT. What a joy to eat outside food, seriously I appreciate sundays as only then could I eat something other then fish and chicken in curry or sambal.

Importance: 4
Cleanliness: 4
Popularity: 4
Frequency of visit: (Once a week)
Location from my dorm: 20 minute bus ride.
Meeting girls?: No
Activity frequency: 3

Importance: 3
Cleanliness: 4
Popularity: 4
Frequency of visit: Twice a week
Location from my dorm: 40m
Meeting girls?: Yes
Activity frequency: 5

Sports. I'm getting abit tired now. Just a quick intro, there are alot of sports you can do here. They are:

Sepak takrul court.Football. 4 goal posts, can either play an 11 vs 11 game or two 7 vs 7 games simultaniously.

A measly basketball ring.

A volleyball court. I was suprised at the popularity of the volleyball court. It's actually quite fun haha.

There is a bola jaring court too but I don't have a pic of it. Finally, you can always jog on the road which is about 3 minutes for one round. Max I did was 10 non-stop :)

Importance: 3
Cleanliness: 2
Popularity: 5
Frequency of visit: 4
Location from my dorm: Between 20m - 100m
Meeting girls?: Yes
Activity frequency: 5

Obstacle course. We only got to do this twice though. It's not that hard for guys but for girls yeah there are some like the monkeys bars and tarzan swing and also the 12' wall There was a competition on one of the days. A few hours before it started it started raining so everything was slippery. 15 people were supposed to do the course as fast as they can with as little infractions as possible. Funny thing was the monkey bars for the guys and the tarzan swing for the girls. For the guys from every team, at least 5 ppl fell into the water while doing monkey bars, my team was 8 with a person falling TWICE. OMG damn scary wei while I was doing the bars, you imagine the person behind of me fell, and then straightaway the person in front fell right in front of my eyes lol Joel too much wei. It's like your playing CS/COD4/Paintball and the person going right next/in front of you dies. Haiz.

For tarzan swing, the girls... I don't know... they seem to just take the rope and jump into the water, not swing to the other side xD For every team I think almost everyone fell, except my companies girls YEAH.

Here are few of the obstacles we had to go through.
Tarzan swing. Girl's worst nightmare.

Monkey bars: Guys worst nightmare.

Get down and dirty.

I love this wall. requires teamwork to get the whole team out of here fast.

Ok, these two on the other hand we just did for fun, haha the flying fox was nice for 3 seconds.

The "Tali tinggi" activities.

Finally, the flying fox. About 3 seconds of adreanaline rush.

Importance: 1
Cleanliness: 1
Popularity: 5
Frequency of visit: 1
Location from my dorm: 10m
Meeting girls?: No
Activity frequency: 1

I think I'll stop here, got a few more places but their less important lah.

Next chapter: Activities.

March 20, 2009


That's it. I've had it with xanga.

Too much wei...

Nat, join me. You're the only remaining person in xanga.

It is time. LOL

So if you're wondering why I've haven't blogged about NS somemore yet, it's because I'm starting college already! So yeah been busy and everything wei.

OK, so the last 2 days was orientation for MUFY in Sunway College! Yeah I'm there now for the March (Accelerated) intake. Like yeah im starting college life now! Open up new opportunities and contacts with ppl. But i was suprised at meeting so many people I knew already there but actually I didn't know that they were going there. Primary school friends, secondary school friends, NS friend, neighbour and even my distant cousin too! Of course meeting alot of people who are friends friends and stuff.
"MUFY (Monash University Foundation Year) is basically a course designed for the student who would like to attened Monash for the bachelor degrees." WTF LIKE DUH LAH.
Anyway, so yeah since I would like one of the best engineering courses out there I've decided to do MUFY lah. Monash IS the best in Malaysia for engineering (I think for private institutions)

The subjects I've choosen is English (compulsory), Maths, Adv. Maths and Physics. These 4 subjects are decided into 2 each, 8 in total. For example, the subjects are divided into A and B units. (e.g: Maths A and Maths B, Physics A and Physics B and so on) But I'm not allowed to take physics on the first semester as we're only allowed to take 3 units as there is not enough time. The second semester then only I can take 5 units so its both physics A and B then.

Today's orientation is basically for subject registeration and also for timetable. Im happy with the timetable I think it suits me very well. Basic breakdown is like this.

Mon & Fri

Maths at 9.45-11.00, English at 11.00-12.15, (2 HOUR BREAK!), Adv. Maths 2.45-4.00

Tues, Wed and Thurs

Maths 9.45-11.00, English 11.00-12.15, *Insert subject here*1.30-2.45, Adv. Maths 2.45-4.00

There's going to be like 12 people in my adv.class only! No girls somemore haiz...

Oh yeah, my parents decided that now is the time I learn how to manage my expenses, so their giving me an allowance now for EVERYTHING i do. This includes petrol, outside food, phone credit, clothes, shoes and etc. FOR 300 CAN AH? I mean, minus petrol and phone bill it's already Rm80! Rm220 for food and stuff for 1 month... that breaks it down to...

RM7.30!?!?!??! a day? Is it possible?

March 16, 2009

Chapter 2: The people/dorm

I think i'll divide the things into chapter about certain sections of things. Makes things easier. Imagine me giving a post like that last post for EVERYDAY. Haha you'll be bored out of socks. Might be a sensitive topic for some. But it's the truth. lol.
In terms of overall, general observations.

Ok, the people. Firstly, I would like to point out that Malaysia has 3 races in it and that if forced too, we can live in harmony. Well...almost everyone. Tell the truth, I still think it's sad that we're still sticking to one another. I think one of the factors contributing to this problem is having SJK(C) and SJK(T) schools around. Either that or people who's enviroment was only with the same colour you know what I mean? This of course is also true to those countryside malays. The things they do...

There are four main groups of people. Malay, chinese, indian and the people who know how to mix around. Another problem is the chinese who don't know malay. Seriously, there's quite a shocking number out there who don't know any other language other then chinese/dialeks. So in the camps there, they can't really do anything, cause they DON'T understand anything which for me is quite sad to watch since they don't know what's happening around them, what activities are going to be planned out and that they can only mix around with their own kind. Indians don't really have this problem though. The mixing around part yeah of course all 3 have but not langauge that's for certain.

I don't know what to say about yellow submarines. I mean, some of them are just idiots witht their attitude. Smoking, stealing, acting gangster. Please lah, no need to show off here. These people are always the trouble makers that cause problems for other people. This holds true in the last few days. Always learn to take care of your stuff. Handphones, mp3, cameras and other stuff will end up missing if you're not careful. I almost lost my slippers! But luckly I knew the guy who stole them so he promply gave it back when I asked him too! Another example of the power of making friends?

Btw, my camp mainly consisted of people from Selangor, K.L. and Johor. So most of them came from city areas. Selangor>Johor>K.L>Negeri Sembilan>Melaka (12) There werew 375 people at the start of the camp, and the camp ended with 367 people because the others left for studies/accidents and so on.


I hanged out with 3 main groups of people.

1. My dorm mates.
2. Dorm 1 people.
3. Damansara gang.

Loved everyone of them.

Interesting location fact:

1. 40% of the people in camp came from Selangor. (150 people)
2. Out of that, 40% came from PJ! (60 people)
3. With that, there were around 20 of us from Damansara. WHOA.
4. BU3, DJ, DU, BU, KDU. :D With DJ numbering the most.

It's quite fun meeting people from around the same area.

The Dorm

The 367 people are of course divided into guys and girls in the ratio of 52:48 = 190 boys.
The people are then divided into 4 companies. Alpha, bravo, charlie and delta. = 47.
The company is then divided into 2 dorms. = 25 for my dorm, 22 from the other.
In my dorm (Dorm 2) there were 13 malays, 11 chinese and an indian.

I thank god that everyone in my dorm was a blast to hang out with! Some other dorms didn't share the same fate. Stealing, accusations and living in fear in their dorms. Some people didn't sleep on the last night because of that.

I liked the late night maggi chats,
the playing around in dorm,
the sleep which we desperately need,
the dorm was the place to be other then the activities.

Here are some pics of the dorm:

Our dorm! Really! this is how clean we are! Nice right?

Not. Only in the morning before 8.30am Refer to picture below to see the real state of the dorm most of the time :D
This is the locker number, basically it's your ID over here. P is for guys and S is for girls. P208!
My bed and locker for 3 months.
Neighbours bed and locker...for 3 months...Ngiap Sheng...
Ok! I think I'll leave you here with this last pic. Ciao! :D

March 13, 2009

NS. (Chapter 1) - Humble Beginnings

Hey guys, i'll start blogging for here for the NS post, because I can't cope with xanga as xanga is too slow.

Day 1

Got up quite late actually, but that was because the night before it was Ian's surprise farewell gathering. Woke up with the most aching body! I think it was because of the drinking on that night itself. Felt like really shit anyway. So anyway, got up, double checked everything to make sure that I've brought everything and left with my parents.

Our place was supposed to meet up at MPPJ Stadium (Kelana Jaya Stadium) at 10am. So of course that means that the bus leaves later then that la lol. When we reached the place, I realised how idiotic I looked. I was wearing 3 quarter pants, an orange shirt and SHOES? Like omg what am I doing here I'm giving the wrong first impression. But anyway, I meet some of the people from Sri KDU that were going like Joey and Richard Teo. They went to Raub, Pahang. Even meet Kenneth who was also going to the same place. Anyway, while waiting around, I saw someone. Someone who I thought was going somewhere else, but I was thinking, "Why is he walking to my direction?"

Omg, Ben's going to the same place with me!

I really didn't know that at all, and neither did he. Quite a suprising encounter for the both of us.

So we said hi and chatted for a while while Bens dad chatted with my parents. The first person who I didn't know that I met was Zhi Young, and that was only because my mum and his mum were friends. So whatever la, the 3 of us were small talking when the driver said. "Semua orang naik ke bas sekarang" So I said my goodbyes to my parents and went.

On the bus, I was thinking, "Where do I go? What should I do? Why is the back of the bus so noisy?" Bloody hell, the back of the bus was DAMN noisy, and of course later I found out that they were actually from DJ and DU combined.

Slept halfway through the bus ride. Woke up when there was this particular bump on the road. "Where are we?"

The bus turns a road.

"Is this our camp? Where's the jungle?"

Amazingly, my camp is not situated in the middle of the jungle. In fact, it was just off the main road! And it looked big too the first time the bus entered the camp.

The bus dropped us off and we had to walk abit to reach the dewan makan. There were the staff to help us sign up and everything to get settled down. I believe that we were one of the last groups to arrive on that day. Of course, the Johor people came a day later.

Well, after signing up I didn't really do anything much. Just walked around the place with Ben talking about how life brought us here. Haha weird innit?
Anyway, when everything was settled, we were all supposed to gather ourselves at the marching field or the padang kawad. The KJ (Ketua Jurulatih) asked everyone to line up according to location. Finally, he gave a speech, like welcoming us to the camp and hope you'll enjoy your stay and all that. Ok.

The padang kawad

The teachers then asked us to line up according to location and race. So all the chinese who came from MPPJ lined up on one side and then the teacher started to divide us into four corners. We all knew that we were going to be divided into companies. But I didnt know which company was it when the teacher took my shoulders and asked me to walk behind and to the left.

Little did I know that I was to be placed in Alpha Company.

You see, there are 4 companies in every camp. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta. It is like the sports houses back in school actually. So these companies compete with each other under countless games and activities and in the end, the total marks are tallied and the winning company is found.

The first person who I meet from Alpha Company was the guy sitting beside me, Kah Wai. That's because we shared the same birthday! While all of us were writing down our name, I.C. and so on to register in the company, he looked at my I.C. and said, "We share the same birthday." I quickly replied, "Yeah I kinda noticed that too *laughs* So, where you're from?"

-Selangor. You?
-Hey, Selangor too. Which part? PJ?
-Yea! Damansara.
-Eh, that's cool! I'm from the same area too! Which school you go to? BU4?
-No, DJ.

And so on and so on. Haha, It was cool to meet someone who lives so near to you area.

Fast forwarding the day (Lunch and resting, its 3pm now) I met the people who were the same dorm with me. I choose to be in dorm 2, the back dormof Alpha Company. Met people there. Joel, Wilson, Daniel. Found out too that Daniel was from DJ.

The scene from Dorm 2

They started speaking in Mandarin.

Memories of class floating by.
Memories of times where I wasn't invited due to language barriers.
Memories of people I couldn't talk too.

"Kevin, Kevin!"

Dream ended.

Wilson - "Ni jsdhfi isodf ma? ni hsdif kjsdh foajqn fgks."
"Wo bu hui ting hua yu"

Everyone was shocked.

"So you're a banana? No way right, do you know dialeks?"


In the span of a week, I realised the importance of learning chinese. I WAS the minority.

I think they were shocked at first. Later, I found out that some of them, especially the girls, have never meet a pure banana before.

So, we technically did nothing, nothing at all from 2pm till around 10pm. OMG, it was so freaking boring. I decided to hang out at Ben's dorm btw. He ended up in Charlie Company. He's so damn lucky I tell you. He meet friends who would rather use English then Mandarin LOL. Again with his luck. Anyway, meet Chester and Raaj who were from KL. Just chatted abit during that period of time. The pace of life here was shifted from 4th gear, which I felt I was going, to 1st gear.

The time ticks.
But not fast enough.

At 10pm, there was this roll call thing. It is held everyday so that the teachers can tell you what to expect tomorrow morning, and also it's the perfect time to meet girls xD

Over there, they told us stuff and overall, there won't be anything interesting for the next 2-3 days. HOW ARE WE GOING TO LIVE LIKE THIS? Also, I meet more people from Alpha company, like Chris and Roshan. I'll remember Roshan's first sentence to me.

"What kinda fucking shoes are those?"
"It's leather damnit."

Nothing like having an opening sentence like that.

As I lay on my bed at night and as the people were talking in mandarin (Haven't realised that I couldn't join in the conversation, haha) I wondered what's in store for me. What's going to happen during my stay here. Would everyday be like this? Should I have deffered? Why are there so many mosquitoes here? How long can I last without pork?

What the heck.

Fell asleep :D

I will post pictures soon, when I find out how the bloody hell to do that.

New Blog

New blog! Changing because of two reasons:

1. Xanga is slow.
2. The photouploader sucks.

I know, I was the guy who kept saying why is everyone changing to blogspot... Now I'm joining in like some hypocrite lol.