November 28, 2009

The last 4 posts explained.

I will start with the 4th last post.

The 4th and 3rd last posts look like incomplete stories. But, being myself, I will somehow make a story that will combine them both into a singular story.

2nd last post was made because it was 3am when I was woken up due to nature duties. With the computer humming in the background, I decided to walk towards it and use it for the next hour. To compensate for my sleepiness, i decided to post something confusing to arouse the thoughts of confusion within my readers.

Last post is the best site ever.

The end.

*Omg I'm ranked 24th in Malaysia how cool is that?*

November 26, 2009

Best Site Ever, why have 1 when u can have 4!

Great Scott! I overshot!

This post is a series of random words that come to my head, its 2am and i really dont know what to do cause its boring and i cant sleep cant cause its 8.30 just now when i slept and as you can see i am typing this post cause itrs random and unnfnsny sand i m byw not correcting ans mistakes that i type here im just wrigin as i go along and as you know that this holidays i would lke to tell yu firstly that i got a job working ain the apartment in curbe there so do drop by during dec holidays if you want secondly i think that full stops are not a neceessayry thing in sthis post as it will only slow me and down and i trealised that i have myany mistakes while i type i think that is saying somehing to my typing skills and no im not drunmk but im high on life i guess i dont knwo whow this job is going to be like the interviewer was more nervous then me while interviewing lol tso we saj;ll see i hope to see u guys during the eecember holidays those that are from london and currently reading my blog ciao.

November 24, 2009

Draft 1

It’s 3am. In the study, Daniel is currently using the computer. He is a 16 year old boy, slightly chubby because of “genetics” as they would call it. Usually, Daniel would be sleeping by now. But two days ago, his parents went off for a weeklong trip to Dubai. Daniel couldn’t pass of this opportunity to maximize his gaming time as he was falling behind his friends in terms of gaming experience. He was playing a game called F.E.A.R, a game of which most would say best played at night, in a cold room with a blanket over your head.
His dark brown eyes quickly dart across his monitor, his hands controlling his character based on what is happening on screen. Quickly, he moves his character inside the building. After taking out a guard with a grenade, he runs down the corridor. Suddenly, he found his character to be frozen, unable to move. The faded blue tiles in the corridor suddenly dislodge from the walls and flies out of the room through a door on the other side.
Daniel almost peed his pants when a girl suddenly came from that door on the other side of the room. A teen covered with blood and devilishly long hair which covered the face came floating inside the room. Daniel knows from the story in the game so far that this girl does not mean harm to him, but seeing her like that sure gave him the creeps. Pretty soon the girl whispers in his ear “” and floats through the floor, Daniel so far does not know what it means though.
“Enough for the night” he thought. He saved and exited from the game. He stood up, took his mug of finished Ribena and walked down the stairs into the kitchen.

November 23, 2009

I laugh at the face of opportunities.

*Under a hail of bullets, Kevin manages to run to some fallen trees, providing excellent cover from the AK-47 rounds. As he slides and backs himself in the cover, he could feel the thumping of bullets hitting his cover, with wood chipping off. It won't be too long before it is destroyed. A pause. He stood up and looked around quickly, his reactions almost instant. With that, he spotted the enemy pinning his friend whom was on his right. Quickly, he fired from his rifle and with a double tap on his G36, the enemy goes down with a shot on the neck. He was dead before he hit the ground. "Go, go, go!" Kevin shouted. His teammate ran out from his cover and made a flank to his right, creating a space of which Kevin could make a pass. Noting this, Kevin makes a run. While screaming and shooting, two from the enemies are confused and shocked by his actions, giving time for Kevin to kill both of them.*

Game over!

November 20, 2009

November 3, 2009

A Short Notice.

I am coming out of my self bound hitrus for an important annoncement. Here it goes.

Some people like drama, other do not. I fall in a category where if the "drama" unfolding is a good thing, proceed.

If it is not a good thing, then it should be tackled. There now there are 3 options to choose from.

a) To stay and intervene.

b) To run to a safe distance, and then watch how the proceedings unfold.

c) To run far, far away.

Usually, being me, I would take option a) or b) and happily try to be the problem solver, or to nosily watch from a distance.

The drama which I am talking about here goes into any script of ANY TV series where the main theme is romance. (Includes Korean and Cantonese dramas)

So this time, I shall run, far far away as I am unhappy with the character development of all involved. I don't even know if any drama will happen, or if unnecessary tension will take place for an infinite period of time, which in turn will effect our whole community which is the "gang".

The problem should be solved quickly, either with frontal assault or through lies and deception. Either way works fine. JUST FUCKING SOLVE IT.