This post is a rant about Streamyx. The overall conclusion is that Streamyx sucks. Period.
You guys say 1MB on the front page. My ass 1MB, more like 1kB. I remember using the internet during Jaring days, I remember playing Neopets. I remember it fucking LOADING. Why the fuck can a dial-up connection load faster then technology 8=9 years from then? What the shitload of crap is this? No arguments about that 1MB connection having to share between a few "thousand" people. At least keep your fucking promises. You want to fucking promise me a 1MB connection please fucking deliver at least 75% of it.
I don't understand why we cannot have 8MB/20MB connections like in other countries. Please don't tell me that Malaysia is a big country and whatnot. Why can America but not Malaysia? Don't tell me that America is a more developed country. I thought the whole fucking point of it was to develop this country in the first place? The technology is here already in our doorstep. Please just use it for the benefit of the nation.
Do you know how much time I waste waiting for things to load? I think if I could accumulate the amount of time wasted waiting for pages to load in a year, I could:
1. Go on a multi-country holiday.
2. Make 10000 cups of coffee.
3. Help save underprivileged children.
4. Conduct a study on the amount of time wasted by Streamyx users for waiting for pages to load.
5. Solve the Rubik's cube for the first time without help.
Time is something that cannot be taken back. Once its gone its gone forever. We always need to cherish our moments with time. So when you're on your death bed. Please don't think this:
"If only I could use the time I waited for pages to load for a good purpose." A then die in helpless sorrow and regret.
Why can't you greedy bastards stop making money and start to help to develop the country? Other countries, they know that they can make more money by using some money to improve their services/infrastructure and etc. And it will be a lie to say that you have no money to develop the infrastructure. Just because you want to afford that BMW 6 Series don't mean that you have to overcharge us customers to pay for your car.
Look. All I want to do is to happily play games like CoD4 or CoH or even CS without worrying about lagging/disconnecting at any moment. I just to want to be able to get the information I need from any site in 3 seconds tops. I just want to be able to login my web browser games without any problems or interruptions or things which do not load. I just want to watch youtube or porn without it taking so long to stream into my PC. I JUST WANT ALL THIS SO THAT I CAN USE THE INTERNET WITHOUT HAVING TO RESORT TO POSTS LIKE THIS.
Come on, get something done right.
Internet Symphony No.1 "Eroica"
15 years ago
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