Hey there! Ok, prologue to chapter 3. So if you're wondering what is there at Kem Seri Perkasa, Mantin, here are a few places of visit.
First and foremost, I guess the most important place to be is the dorm. Dorm. Your dorm, your sanctuary where the most important thing happens. Sleep.
The four dorms, from left to right: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta. Note that I can't show the girls section as being 25m from their dorm is basically comes with a death sentence.
This is the teachers dorm. There are 2 teachers in each long dorm.
Most of the dorm pics are at the second entry, so yeah you guys can check it from there I guess.
Importance: 5
Cleanliness: 3
Popularity: 5
Frequency of visit: 5
Location from my dorm: -
Meeting girls?: No
Activity frequency: 4
But also, this is the place of roll call, ceramahs, debates, activity place in general. I guess that if you're trying to find a person other then during outdoor activities and during riadah times, you'll have a good chance of meeting him/her here.
Importance: 5
Cleanliness: 2
Popularity: 3
Frequency of visit: 5
Location from my dorm: 25m
Meeting girls?: Yes
Activity frequency: 5
THE CAFE/1U of an ESSENTIAL place for the residence here in camp. Happening place after the dorm, at least you get to talk to girls here without being disturbed by random teachers scared that you're going to take this oppocunity to rape or some shit like that. At the place, there is a Ramli burger store and also a drink store. This is also the place to buy your provisions from the store next to the cafe.
The cafe on a quiet day.
On sunday however, things change. Because the gov. says that parents can come to visit on sundays, alot of people, some even from Johor, drive down here to have a chat with their sons/daughters. Since their not allowed to visit us at the dorm however, this is the only place to be. Love sundays because everyone is at the cafe, easy to talk too :)
Importance: 5
Cleanliness: 2
Popularity: 5
Frequency of visit: 4
Location from my dorm: 120m
Meeting girls?: Yes
Activity frequency: Weekdays - 3, (Depending on time of day) Weekends - 5
Classes. The place where the gov tries it's best to brainwash us poor souls into believing that they are the best people in the world and that we should be thankful about what they do.
However, the only class which I thought was fine was the first module. I mean, what they were trying to teach was ok, the problem was the way they thought it. Also, this is a nice place to meet people from the camp. Because of the classes I got to know more Charlie people then my own company! You see, there are 6 classes and 8 dorms. So they decided to split Alpha people up while dividing the rest into their dorms, for example Bravo dorm 1 would go into PK (That's the class name) PK1, Bravo dorm 2 into PK2, Charlie dorm 1 into PK3 and so on until Delta. This includes guys and girls. Oh yeah, they kinda discourage mixing around between the genders the gay thing is when they asked us to sit in a "teather setting" So the girls sit on the left and the guys on the right. We only get to mix during group discussions.
Here are the types of classes conducted in order.
1. Bringing Out the Best in Yourself.
2. Bringing Out the Best in Others
3. Integration
4. Patriotism
Other then the first one, the rest were shit. Especially the integration class.
Well, this are how the classrooms look like from the outside.
Sorry I don't have any pics of class conducting, I don't think anyone has because unless maybe on the last day of class :)
Importance: 3
Cleanliness: 4
Popularity: 2
Frequency of visit: 3
Location from my dorm: 40m
Meeting girls?: Yes
Activity frequency: 3
What is the common thing between these sentences?
2. I'm itchy...
3. Headache lah...
4. Class damn boring wei...
Hahaha, needs to explanation.
Importance: 4
Cleanliness: 5
Popularity: 5
Frequency of visit: 1
Location from my dorm: 75m
Meeting girls?: No
Activity frequency: Ranges from 1-5 depending on type of activity planned out.
The padang kawad. A place of torture. Most important word there is "Kiri, kanan kiri" Also a place where we can stand for minutes on end for no apparent reason.
Mainly, if the event is VERY important (e.g: VIP coming, price giving ceremony, marching) we go there.
Morning exercise happens here too.
Oh yeah, there was a fire drill once at 11pm. I almost made it out there shirtless, but the stupid teacher asked me to run back and get wear a shirt... If a real fire then how!?
Importance: 3
Cleanliness: 3
Popularity: 1
Frequency of visit: 3
Location from my dorm: 30m
Meeting girls?: No
Activity frequency: 2
Church. Well, I don't really want to give that much away was planning a whole post on this. This is one of the few opportunities we get to get out of the camp :D That's right every sunday morning we get out of camp xD
Every thursday and friday, there is CF in the camp itself at 8.30pm I did look forward to it everytime :)
The CF class on the second day. The average number of people who attend is around 20 on Thursday and 30 on Friday as Friday is more of a fun day. Will explain of course when I put up the proper post.
The inside of the church. It's not a big church I think including us there can't be more then 100 poeple there.
After church. WE EAT. What a joy to eat outside food, seriously I appreciate sundays as only then could I eat something other then fish and chicken in curry or sambal.
ChurchImportance: 4
Cleanliness: 4
Popularity: 4
Frequency of visit: (Once a week)
Location from my dorm: 20 minute bus ride.
Meeting girls?: No
Activity frequency: 3
CFImportance: 3
Cleanliness: 4
Popularity: 4
Frequency of visit: Twice a week
Location from my dorm: 40m
Meeting girls?: Yes
Activity frequency: 5
Sports. I'm getting abit tired now. Just a quick intro, there are alot of sports you can do here. They are:
Sepak takrul court.
Football. 4 goal posts, can either play an 11 vs 11 game or two 7 vs 7 games simultaniously.
A measly basketball ring.
A volleyball court. I was suprised at the popularity of the volleyball court. It's actually quite fun haha.
There is a bola jaring court too but I don't have a pic of it. Finally, you can always jog on the road which is about 3 minutes for one round. Max I did was 10 non-stop :)
Importance: 3
Cleanliness: 2
Popularity: 5
Frequency of visit: 4
Location from my dorm: Between 20m - 100m
Meeting girls?: Yes
Activity frequency: 5
Obstacle course. We only got to do this twice though. It's not that hard for guys but for girls yeah there are some like the monkeys bars and tarzan swing and also the 12' wall There was a competition on one of the days. A few hours before it started it started raining so everything was slippery. 15 people were supposed to do the course as fast as they can with as little infractions as possible. Funny thing was the monkey bars for the guys and the tarzan swing for the girls. For the guys from every team, at least 5 ppl fell into the water while doing monkey bars, my team was 8 with a person falling TWICE. OMG damn scary wei while I was doing the bars, you imagine the person behind of me fell, and then straightaway the person in front fell right in front of my eyes lol Joel too much wei. It's like your playing CS/COD4/Paintball and the person going right next/in front of you dies. Haiz.
For tarzan swing, the girls... I don't know... they seem to just take the rope and jump into the water, not swing to the other side xD For every team I think almost everyone fell, except my companies girls YEAH.
Here are few of the obstacles we had to go through.
Tarzan swing. Girl's worst nightmare.
Monkey bars: Guys worst nightmare.
Get down and dirty.
I love this wall. requires teamwork to get the whole team out of here fast.
Ok, these two on the other hand we just did for fun, haha the flying fox was nice for 3 seconds.
The "Tali tinggi" activities.
Finally, the flying fox. About 3 seconds of adreanaline rush.
Importance: 1
Cleanliness: 1
Popularity: 5
Frequency of visit: 1
Location from my dorm: 10m
Meeting girls?: No
Activity frequency: 1
I think I'll stop here, got a few more places but their less important lah.
Next chapter: Activities.