December 28, 2009
December 23, 2009
Absolute proof that Goh Tee Wern plays dota
u whipered to amelia
this conversation isnt dota related
im gonna terminate this right now
=Kevin= 林文伟 DON'T PANIC says:
*TeeWeRN says:
=Kevin= 林文伟 DON'T PANIC says:
have fun playing dota
*TeeWeRN says:
=Kevin= 林文伟 DON'T PANIC says:
*TeeWeRN says:
=Kevin= 林文伟 DON'T PANIC says:
im saving this
*TeeWeRN says:
December 22, 2009
I don't think so, but most people have this perception that it can.
December 18, 2009
A Sigh of Relief
It is not that anything bad has happened recently.
It is not that anything good has happened recently.
It is not that anything weird has happened recently.
It is not that anything wonderful has happened recently.
It is just that NOTHING has happened recently.
No problems in your mind.
No relationship problems in your heart.
No aching pains on your wrist.
No cramps on your legs.
No hunger pangs in your stomach.
That's when you sleep.
December 14, 2009
Cranky Workers (Beautifully excuted rant)
What have I done to you of which has managed to piss you off? Quietly, I just wanted to do my work in peace. Yet, you somehow or rather have an issue with me.
I do not mind if I had done something bad to you during the past, or that you have decided to hate me during the course of time, which then of course is your problem, not mine.
I opened the chiller, happily wanting to gather some oranges for the juicer. That's the first location of which we were in contact. You were stocking up fruits in the chiller, filling it up for some reason with your shirt off. (Not that you look fit anyway) Your tattoo and eyebrow piercing on your left eye definitely meant that you were someone I would not give a damn about, seeing how "cool" you obviously thought you were.
Oh yeah your hair too. Makes me sick. There is a difference between a spike, and gay.
On seeing me, a nerdy 18 year old boy who is as skinny as a flatten sugar cane stick, you decided within 0.03305 seconds in that Neanderthal skull of yours that you were "cooler" then me. Of course, this is my reasoning based on my observation. But it could be other reasons too:
Maybe it was because of the fumes in the kitchen.
Maybe it was because you didn't want another problem. (If any existed)
Maybe it was because you were preoccupied about not paying the bills in time.
Maybe it was because your motorbike broke down that day and you were late.
Maybe it was because your father just got into the hospital.
Maybe it was because you hated life as a cook.
Maybe it was because your mother didn't love you enough as a child.
Maybe it was because you have ED and couldn't get laid. For your whole life.
Maybe it was because your family died in an accident.
Maybe it was because your grandfather told you that you couldn't succeed in life. With that, you worked hard being a cook to please him. However, on his death bed, he asked you to fuck off and he died with a peaceful conscience.
Therefore, with your chest up and your back straight, you nodded your hair (or head) upwards and said a sentence.
How would you think if someone you don't know came up to you (or you came up to him) and said, "What the fuck do you want?"
a) Hey whatsup bro you are damn cool!
b) Man you are awesome.
c) I want for you to fuck off and die a miserable death with your hands cut off and your throat slash by some robber who only got to steal RM10 from you :)
Of course, taken aback, I could only manage a reply that sounded like this.
The next day, I was making ice lemon tea when you stormed out of the kitchen, with a cardboard box in your hand. You came to the bar, place the box on the bar top, and in front of a lunch, peak hour crowd, started to throw pieces of wrapping paper into the air. Then you went on about why there are pieces of paper in the box of apples, and that it somehow was Nic and me at fault. When I tried to explain that I didn't know anything by saying "Huh?" (Taken aback by all this confusion) You said, "Huh? Don't huh me okay who do you think you are." You then carried the box back to the kitchen, maybe feeling satisfied that you have vented off some anger at teenagers whom have no way of defending themselves.
The question is: Who do YOU think you are.
Poor poor you. A barbarian, a viking. Wrong era! People like you make me sick. People like you make me want to vomit. People like you make me wonder why am I still in this lawless, forsaken country. People like you only strengthen my believe that when I can leave this country, I will. People like you defines the general society of Malaysia. Stupid, retarded and unaccomplished in anything.
I believe that this behaviour from you will go on for a few more days, being the asshole you are. You will find reasons of which to blame my friend and I, and this I am certain. I can only do my time in work, and leave knowing the fact that my future should be better then yours if everything goes to plan. Boastful as it may be, but acting as the way you are, I don't give a zark.
December 10, 2009
Answer this question in exact form.
"How much did you score for your English paper?"
Does this logically answer the question? How would I know what enough is? Is there a standardized measurement of enough being enough? Anyway, what is enough for you may be different then enough from me? I could be thinking that 60 would be "enough", but you could be actually scoring 80. This is not specific and does not answer the question. If you were working and someone asks you "What is the percentage turnover for the fourth quarter" Would you reply "All right?" There is no reason to be shy about giving the values. If it is high so be it, if it is low so be it.
December 6, 2009
December 2, 2009
December 1, 2009
The Apartment, Curve
Haven't even started on the cocktails!
November 28, 2009
The last 4 posts explained.
The 4th and 3rd last posts look like incomplete stories. But, being myself, I will somehow make a story that will combine them both into a singular story.
2nd last post was made because it was 3am when I was woken up due to nature duties. With the computer humming in the background, I decided to walk towards it and use it for the next hour. To compensate for my sleepiness, i decided to post something confusing to arouse the thoughts of confusion within my readers.
Last post is the best site ever.
The end.
*Omg I'm ranked 24th in Malaysia how cool is that?*
November 26, 2009
Great Scott! I overshot!
November 24, 2009
Draft 1
His dark brown eyes quickly dart across his monitor, his hands controlling his character based on what is happening on screen. Quickly, he moves his character inside the building. After taking out a guard with a grenade, he runs down the corridor. Suddenly, he found his character to be frozen, unable to move. The faded blue tiles in the corridor suddenly dislodge from the walls and flies out of the room through a door on the other side.
Daniel almost peed his pants when a girl suddenly came from that door on the other side of the room. A teen covered with blood and devilishly long hair which covered the face came floating inside the room. Daniel knows from the story in the game so far that this girl does not mean harm to him, but seeing her like that sure gave him the creeps. Pretty soon the girl whispers in his ear “” and floats through the floor, Daniel so far does not know what it means though.
“Enough for the night” he thought. He saved and exited from the game. He stood up, took his mug of finished Ribena and walked down the stairs into the kitchen.
November 23, 2009
I laugh at the face of opportunities.
Game over!
November 20, 2009
November 3, 2009
A Short Notice.
Some people like drama, other do not. I fall in a category where if the "drama" unfolding is a good thing, proceed.
If it is not a good thing, then it should be tackled. There now there are 3 options to choose from.
a) To stay and intervene.
b) To run to a safe distance, and then watch how the proceedings unfold.
c) To run far, far away.
Usually, being me, I would take option a) or b) and happily try to be the problem solver, or to nosily watch from a distance.
The drama which I am talking about here goes into any script of ANY TV series where the main theme is romance. (Includes Korean and Cantonese dramas)
So this time, I shall run, far far away as I am unhappy with the character development of all involved. I don't even know if any drama will happen, or if unnecessary tension will take place for an infinite period of time, which in turn will effect our whole community which is the "gang".
The problem should be solved quickly, either with frontal assault or through lies and deception. Either way works fine. JUST FUCKING SOLVE IT.
October 24, 2009
October 13, 2009
October 6, 2009
Random Music.
(I wouldn't really want that to be my dying words)
1.) Put your music player on shuffle
2.) Press forward to the next song for each question.
3.) Use the song title as the answer to the question.
5 ) Start tagging !
1.) How am I feeling today?
When the Sun Meets the Sky - Eric Johnson
(Wow, it all depends on what day, Monday's are bummers and Thursday's are awesome)
2.) Where will I get married?
It Ain't Luck - Year Long Disaster
(HAHAHA. It's skill I tell you. But doesn't answer the question)
3.) What is my best friend's theme song?
Tell Me Baby - B.B. King
(Yay, girlfriend :D)
4.) What is/was highschool like?
Be Alive - Stain K
(Yeah, staying alive was a daily challenge)
5.) What is the best thing about me?
Funny How Time Slips Away - B.B. King
(Funny how your time flies away while you're with me)
6.) How is today going to be?
I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor - Arctic Monkeys
(Nope, no clubbing today)
7.) What is in store for this weekend?
Come Together - The Beatles
(I hope so :D)
8.) What song describes my parents?.
Impromptu #4 in C Sharp Minor, Op. 66, CT 46, "Fantaisie-Impromptu" - Chopin
9.) How is my life going?
All Over You - The Spill Canvas
10.) What song will they play at my funeral?
11.) How does the world see me?
Heart-Shaped Box - Nirvana
(Like a hear shaped box?)
12.) What do my friends really think of me?
One Love - Blue
(Awww, guys *blush*
13) Do people secretly lust after me?
Help the Poor - B.B. King/Eric Clapton
(I guess not)
14.) How can I make myself happy?
Amsterdam - Coldplay
15.) What should I do with my life?
Eurodancer - Tecno
(I'm trying to think of one, but not relation. Dance in Europe maybe?)
16.) Will I ever have children?
Why Don't You and I - Santana ft. Chad Kroeger
17.) What is some good advice?
Lonely Day- System of a Down
(Yeah, take some time off when you feel down, depressed)
18.) What do I think my current theme song is?
The Bad Thing - Arctic Monkeys
(Am I?)
19.) What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Photograph - Nickelback
(Do you?)
20.) What type of men/women do you like?:
Teddy Boy - The Beatles
(I don't seriously)
21.) Will you get married?:
Bila Aku Sudah Tiada - Hujan
22.) What should I do with my love life?
Ride on Time - Dancetech vs. Tune Up!
24.) Where will you live?
I've Got A Feeling - Black Eye Peas
(No relation)
25.) What will your dying words be?
Here Without You - Away From the Sun
(I wouldn't really want that to be my words)
October 3, 2009
October 1, 2009
September 27, 2009
September 21, 2009
Streamyx and Life
You guys say 1MB on the front page. My ass 1MB, more like 1kB. I remember using the internet during Jaring days, I remember playing Neopets. I remember it fucking LOADING. Why the fuck can a dial-up connection load faster then technology 8=9 years from then? What the shitload of crap is this? No arguments about that 1MB connection having to share between a few "thousand" people. At least keep your fucking promises. You want to fucking promise me a 1MB connection please fucking deliver at least 75% of it.
I don't understand why we cannot have 8MB/20MB connections like in other countries. Please don't tell me that Malaysia is a big country and whatnot. Why can America but not Malaysia? Don't tell me that America is a more developed country. I thought the whole fucking point of it was to develop this country in the first place? The technology is here already in our doorstep. Please just use it for the benefit of the nation.
Do you know how much time I waste waiting for things to load? I think if I could accumulate the amount of time wasted waiting for pages to load in a year, I could:
1. Go on a multi-country holiday.
2. Make 10000 cups of coffee.
3. Help save underprivileged children.
4. Conduct a study on the amount of time wasted by Streamyx users for waiting for pages to load.
5. Solve the Rubik's cube for the first time without help.
Time is something that cannot be taken back. Once its gone its gone forever. We always need to cherish our moments with time. So when you're on your death bed. Please don't think this:
"If only I could use the time I waited for pages to load for a good purpose." A then die in helpless sorrow and regret.
Why can't you greedy bastards stop making money and start to help to develop the country? Other countries, they know that they can make more money by using some money to improve their services/infrastructure and etc. And it will be a lie to say that you have no money to develop the infrastructure. Just because you want to afford that BMW 6 Series don't mean that you have to overcharge us customers to pay for your car.
Look. All I want to do is to happily play games like CoD4 or CoH or even CS without worrying about lagging/disconnecting at any moment. I just to want to be able to get the information I need from any site in 3 seconds tops. I just want to be able to login my web browser games without any problems or interruptions or things which do not load. I just want to watch youtube or porn without it taking so long to stream into my PC. I JUST WANT ALL THIS SO THAT I CAN USE THE INTERNET WITHOUT HAVING TO RESORT TO POSTS LIKE THIS.
Come on, get something done right.
September 3, 2009
August 31, 2009
August 28, 2009
A Repetitive Schedule
· Complain it’s a Monday when woken up at 7.30.
· Drive through LDP (Traffic is observed to be slightly lighter then on other days)
· Physics B, Adv. Maths, Maths, Physics A, English.
· Go to the library to use the computers/study/do work/play starcraft
· Go for Moral class
· Drive back using LDP.
· Wash up, and then sleep. Wake up at 8ish. Eat dinner, use the computer for a while, do work, sleep.
· Wake up at 7.30
· Drive through LDP
· Physics B, Adv. Maths, Physics A lab, English.
· Go to the library to use the computers/study/do work/play starcraft till 4
· Drive back using LDP.
· Go back home and sleep. Wake up at 8ish, Eat dinner, use the computer for a while, do work, sleep.
· Wake up at 7.30
· Drive through LDP
· Physics B lab, Adv. Maths, Maths, English.
· Go to the library to use the computers/study/do work/play starcraft till 4.
· Drive back using LDP.
· Go back home. Play some piano. Watch some TV. Eat dinner, use the computer for a while, do work, sleep.
· Wake up at 8.45!
· Drive through LDP (I love Thursday traffic because of the later time)
· Adv. Maths, Maths, Physics A.
· Go to the library to use the computers/study/do work/play starcraft till 4.
· Drive back using LDP.
· Go back home and sleep. Wake up at 8ish, eat dinner, use the computer for a while, do work, sleep.
· Wake up at 7.30
· Drive through LDP
· Physics B, Maths, Physics A, English.
· Go to the library to use the computers/study/do work/play starcraft till 4.
· Drive back using LDP.
· Go back home, use computer, relax, don’t study, see what others are up too. Eat dinner, use the computer, and do a little bit of work, sleep.
August 22, 2009
Omelets, English Project and Time.
Oh, about the omelets. You see, for our Moral Studies project (Of which i dislike the teacher) we have to raise up RM1000 to give it away for charity. So I came out with this idea of selling omelets and everyone has agreed. :D
For my english project, Di-Anne has choosen under the main heading of globalization, "Cultural Identity: To Retain or Reform?" Im choosing that we should reform. I do have the points. However, I can't really source out from books or papers cause there almost isn't any. Handout date is this Friday though so we should see.
Enjoy your day!
August 9, 2009
More Maths.
The first thing I would like to rant about is this question.

I proceeded to write down the question first.
Then stare at it blankly for a few moments.


Ok...maybe this is not the way. A dead end has been approached. Erased it.
No wait!
How about:


"This is retarded" I thought to myself when Ms. Lee (Adv. Maths lec.) gave the answer.
The secret was to change 1+e^(-x)=u by bring over the 1 so that you get u-1=e^(-x)
Then of course, you proceed to substitute accordingly. Working is below.

Another question for you to try.
Not many got this correct.

Try and list your working :)
This question is easy (Well, after the exam it was). Just use long division.

This one is a mad one. "Manipulate the question to your liking" Its like how in the world am I supposed to think so far ahead with this question? I dont think 4-x looks like 2x+10 seriously. I would need to multiply by 2 and +18 to the equation. what is this. MANIPULATION.

And finally this one. I was surprised when I got it right lol. Cause this does look more complicated then most of the above questions.


August 7, 2009
August 4, 2009
A mathematical rant.
Main point here today is that, I think I have failed my first advance maths test for this semester.
Here's a challenge for you. Integrate this:
If you do not understand, click on the link BUT DONT SCROLL DOWN.^(-2x)%2F(1%2Be^x)
If you get this by yourself.
July 30, 2009
Heads will not roll
Indonesians are loud and crazy. They are only 15 like omg so young, makes me feel old. Their language is very connected too.
July 29, 2009
Skipped An Experiment For A Reason
And my mechanical pencil is still M.I.A. Boo.
July 26, 2009
Sentimental Value.
July 24, 2009
July 22, 2009
July 11, 2009
Sunway College: Part 2 (2009)
User rating: (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(g)(g)
Director: Kevin Lim
Writers: Dad
Plot: The holidays are over, and Kevin Lim returns to Sunway College for his second semester. What new adventures await him? | Full synopsis >
Kevin Lim
Edward Gan
Wong Kok Lim
Tham Yu Ming
RIchard Teo
Yip Xuan Lin
Tan Soon Sien
Muhammad Khairin
Kelvin Low
Yi Zheng
Wei Siang
Wong Siaw Wei
Amelia Choe
Soorah Hassan
More >
Additional Details
MOVIEmeter (?) : Up 200% this week
Contact: 01x-36xx5x0
Release Date: 20/11/2009 (MAL)
Genre: Action | Romance | Drama | Horror more>
Plot Keywords (Spoiler alert! Highlight below to view plot keywords! Spoiler al) more>
Kevin Lim | Sunway College | Medan/Rock | MUFY | Orange | 2009 | Betrayal | Injustice | All guys no girls in adv. Maths classes
User Comments: He keeps disrupting the classes
Rating: Rated R18+ for coarse language, sexual reference, pranks, stunts and insanity
Parents Guide: Should not be around
Runtime: 5 months
Country: Malaysia
Language: English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Malay
Colour: Colour
Aspect Ratio: True life
Sound Mix: True life
Certification: 10A 1B in SPM
Locations: Sunway, Subang Jaya, Damansara, SS2, Seksyen 14 more>
Company: Kem Seri Perkasa Mantin, Mantin, Negeri Sembilan. Alpha Company, 2nd platoon 3rd squad.
Fun Stuff
Trivia: This is the 11th year that Amelia Choe and Kevin Lim have been in the same learning facility. They both were in Methodist Primary School (1997-2003) , Sekolah Sri KDU (2005-2008) and Sunway College (2009) more>
Goofs: Most of the restaurants outside of Sunway College do not have names. They are referred according to the buildings colour. (i.e: White, Orange and Pink) more>
Nigel Kheu: “Serious shit!”(Said when he does not believe in a statement)
Kevin Lim: “You watch out.”(Said when the other person does not believe in him)
Soorah Hassan: “Oh my god...”(Said when a story is told)
Tham Yu Ming: “This classroom has no girls lah!.”(Said everytime he feels like changing a classroom)
Phoon Chi Kit: more> (Too many quotes, for full list, please visit Wikipedia)
Movie Connections: Sunway College: Part 1 (2009)